Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Ties that Bind

The promise of spring
I can better appreciate the hardships of those that serve in foreign lands. Since arriving last Thursday, my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law have both been hospitalized for serious problems and now tonight I learn that another family member is critically ill. I know they are being cared for by the best medicine has to offer and by families that love them. My presence there would not change their care or help their condition, but it certainly would help me. I know that I am in God's perfect will where I am and do not regret that I am here, but there is such a since of helplessness when people we love are hurting and we think (foolishly and perhaps even egotistically) that our location matters. I know I have a faithful God whose grace is sufficient for my loved ones regardless of where I am. It is prayer that matters and God's guarantee that He is listening. I believe that all of you who are reading my blog know about whom I referring and are praying already. This same confidence that others are "holding the ropes" has to be what keeps those who serve the Lord where they are regardless of what is happening "back home." They need to know we are praying for them. This situation is certainly a reminder to me that I don't do my part "back home" for those who are working in the fields.
I have attached a few photos that show more contradictions. You might call them "Beauty and the Beast."
Coal, not nuclear, power towers

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jo, I hope you've had a good nights rest. Your blog hits the nail right on the head. It reminds us that we here at home needs to spend lots more time in prayer for those "warriors" in the foreign lands, who depend upon us to hold them up as they do God's work. They face many hardships that we don't even think about. Separation from people you love is hard, especially when they are facing death, yet, these very loved one's would tell you, and others, to feel secure in what you're doing. God is in control, their needs are being met, as are yours. Jo, as I'm sitting here writing this, the song we grew up singing as children, and we teach the little ones today to sing, is flowing through my mind, and now my lips. "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine; let it shine, let it shine, let it shine." The Lord is letting you shine His light there in S.A. for others to see Jesus in you and through your good deeds. Speaking of light, we're praying for that light to shine brightly each night from that flashlight as you walk the path, and you will see that there are no snakes. I'll keep you posted about Ed, and I'll be praying more for Bud and Judy. I'll add Nell and Jim to my prayer list also. I pray that as y'all rise to meet the new day, that you'll feel refreshed and that all is being done in preparation of the team to arrive. Praying all is going to be right on track for them each step of the way. Tell T/K and LP that I love and pray for them daily also. Love you, my sister in Christ and friend. Joan Davis
