Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BSF Bible Study Fellowship

Johannesburg's version of Sams; being sold to WalMart
Had the privilege of attending a BSF meeting this morning with seven wonderful women who want to love and serve Christ in their everyday lives. We met at a Methodist church in downtown Joburg and 72 Christian denominations were represented. BSF is an international Bible study organization which was begun by an English missionary to China over 50 years ago. They are a non-profit, faith based organization headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, with one goal: to study the word of God so we can become His witnesses in the world. They do a different book of the Bible each year consisting of 33 lessons between September and May with separate study groups for men and women. Bethel United Methodist in Spartanburg is the closest one to us. The material was wonderful as was the fellowship. I look forward to seeing if I can attend the one at Bethel. It takes a commitment to study and faithfulness in attending the meetings.

Tonight, I am having dinner with servants of the Lord from (XXXX). M/W are my hosts and I am looking forward to fellowship with them.  (Three hours later). What an incredible evening. Those of us who volunteer can only sit back in amazed admiration for the young couples who answer God's call not only to what appears to be impossible places to do impossible tasks but unbelievably dangerous ones. Yet they are clearly enjoying taking on these places/tasks for Christ in whom ALL things are possible. The difficulties for families go way beyond the mere inconveniences that would stall most of us in our tracks and about which we would probably complain endlessly (as we hightail it home), yet there is a genuine humility in accepting with good humor the joy of suffering for Christ (suffering is my term not theirs). They see these things as Paul did...part of the joy of serving. Amazing time of fellowship I will treasure. I will be having dinner tomorrow night with another couple who (like these this evening) have generously invited me into their home and their lives. One thing I am witnessing is how much they care for one another, not just about one another. As Christians we should all be so like Christ who said that the world would know us as His followers because we LOVE one another.


  1. Hey girl, just got on here, been breaking and shelling green beans all day. Tina picked them yesterday evening. I see you are out having dinner and fellowship with some of the Christians there. I know you are enjoying meeting the folks there who are serving the Lord. I hope you made some lasting friendships. So glad you got to go to the BSF this morning, and enjoyed it too. Been praying that all went well with the team being at the right place on time. I know it will be hectic but, exciting when they all get there. Just keep doing what the Lord is leading in, and we'll keep the prayers going up. Talk to you soon. Love you.Joan Davis.

  2. Shared all the prayer requests with church tonight. We had special prayer for all of them but special emphasis on the team travels tomorrow. I hope you had a great time tonight with dinner and fellowship with servants of God. BTW, guess who brought the message tonight. Ricci. He did a good job. He got to preach at his church Sunday night. We had a little better crowd tonight too. I talked with Karen before church and she said Ed had a little better day today. I didn't mention Bud or Nell tonight, since I don't know the circumstances. Benny and I are praying for them. You have lots of prayers going up Jo, and for the team also. Tell them that Tucapau is holding the ropes. Love you my sister in Christ, and friend. Joan Davis.

  3. Good Evening my precious one,
    I would like to share my prayer with you...
    "Thank you Heavenly Father for tilting your ears to hear my request for my sister. You know her every care and concern that is spoken. Thank you for giving my friend ears to hear your voice and eyes to see your path that you have chosen for her. Thank you for your guiding hands that leads her every step, and being at work in her life. Thank you for always being in the midst of unknown and deomnstation your power through her. Let her feel our prayers and know she is held high by many. Thank you Father"! I love you Jo..... Isaiah 40:31

  4. I guess it would be an encouragement to know it's Robyn Mabrey Love you!!
