Sunday, September 25, 2011

Last "Sleep" in Africa

Oh, Yes, Up Close and Too Personal
It is Sunday evening and I am packing for home. As much as I have loved Africa, I have to admit that I am ready to leave it, get home, catch up with family and friends and fill them in on so much more than I could ever have put into a blog.
This Young Lady Ignored Us
These Decided We Were Too Close! I Agreed!!!
Africa is everything I expected it to be; a fantasy adventure; safaris; wild beasts; strange foods; exotic peoples; cultural barriers; endless open plains, cavernous mountains;  and nothing I expected it to be; walled, barbed wired homes; interstate highways; slums of unimaginable magnitude; metropolitan cities that rival NYC; obviously educated business women walking side by side on the street with tribal women still bearing their children on their backs and their loads on their heads; flat cultivated fields that stretch as far as the eye can see...miles and miles and miles and miles;  driving for three hours and seeing NO OTHER human beings (just wild animals of incredible size; they were the ones who were free, we were the ones confined in a VERY VERY small car); driving for hours and seeing every color of skin except white; Animalist, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Jew, Christian; Afrikaan, Dutch, German, English, Zulu (and eight others) Indian, Pakistani, Chinese; a person can see and hear the world here just standing on one corner for five minutes. Every where there are smiles and friendly welcome. People listen and make every attempt to understand what is being said.  Every where there are committed Christians serving a living God reaching out to those who are blind to Him. Perhaps that is what stands out to me most here, the blindness of those who have never heard of Christ because no one has told them and their willingness to listen. The language barriers alone are daunting. I met a man today who has been assigned a "new" area and must learn, at 58, a new and difficult unwritten oral language before he can even begin to "tell the good news." He is optimistic and full of joy. It will take however long it takes and he and his wife are willing to let God do what needs to be done to accomplish His will through their lives. One tills, one sows, one waters, but God harvests. The contrast I see hear is that in the States, language isn't the issue, hearing isn't the issue, willingness to listen is the issue. Too many have heard too long a message they don't deem important enough to "consider at this time." Nothing is "rushed" here. Bumper to bumper traffic as in any large city, but out in the "real Africa" (about 30 minutes in any direction outside the city) no one seems in a hurry. Perhaps geology, archeology, and eschatology are correct, Africa is the cradle of civilization and time itself is a non issue, but as Christians, we know time is of the essence. The day of salvation is NOW. Tell where ever you are to whoever will listen "the good news" in whatever language you know. In a day when I can write from Johannesburg, South Africa, and be read in real time in Duncan, South Carolina, there is no excuse as Christians for not sharing "the good news of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." Faith and works, message and missions...God's plan...God's invitation...our decision.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Laughter and Tears

I have heard it said many times that God must have a sense of humor because He sent His Son to turn the world right side up using a rugged group of fishermen, a tax collector, and society's rejects. None of us can understand much less explain why God has chosen us to be part of His Kingdom and part of His Kingdom work, but He has and one of the many joys of choosing obedience to Christ is the laughter we share with fellow believers. In addition to the laughter, He taught us to fellowship not only in the work, but around the table. I can't begin to explain the joy we've had as a team at each meal; the laughter, the sharing of what God is revealing to each through individual experiences, the miracles before our eyes, the camaraderie of shared inconveniences, and the wonder that our Creator God cares about us enough to die for us. In the make-up of any team, God chooses whom He will; men with as many callouses on their knees as on their hands, women with tender hearts, all with a desire to serve.
There's something special about the laughter of Godly men going about the work of God. It sparks fire in the heart and joy in the spirit and draws others to it. It speaks of a father's love and of a man's commitment to "do whatever needs doing" even when it's hard, frustrating, sweaty, dirty labor. There was a long list of "jobs" that needed doing at Aurora. BRA contributed over $7000 dollars towards materials costs (much of which went to extending the boys' dormitory...a welcomed addition), but there was rust coating and painting to be done, a laundry area to be cleared and framed in, electrical and plumbing to be fixed, and playground equipment to be assembled and cemented safely in place...and (sanding, sanding, sanding) the list went on and on. Everywhere I turned this week there was a harmony of activity, men going about their business... occasionally stopping to play with a group of kindergardeners learning to play with play dough or talking with a group of curious children on their way to an activity and always in the best of good humor and laughter.
Tears started early on this trip; not tears of sadness, but the tears of tender hearts. The walk through the squatters camp brought tears of frustration and incredulity...we walked an hour in and an hour back out...with less and less conversation and a heaviness of heart that defied explanation. It was easy to spot the fathers and mothers in the group as they compared these children to their own children/grandchildren back home.  Veronica warned us not to give in to pity, or sympathy (empathy, yes) because pity/sympathy are not what these kids need. They need love, protection, opportunity, and ownership of making right choices in their lives...they don't need hand-outs. We were asked not to give them gifts of any kind...Christianity is a choice for Christ from the heart of a believer, not an opportunity to get something for nothing. The wrongs of the past can't be paid for by the good intentions of the present, however good those intentions may be. What we can do is give these children an opportunity to choose Christ, to get an education, and to better their lives.
There were also tears of joy; when the children sang in the showers the songs they had learned the day before; when they would touch our faces and say "pretty" and when they would run up to us for a hug and then not turn loose; when the ones in our classes would "finally" grasp what we were teaching and smile and say "awesome," a word T taught them the first day...after that everything became "awesome." There were tears in all our eyes on the last day when Veronica called all the children to an assembly at the cross and they sang to us "The Glory of the Lord can be seen in You, Thank you for coming to us."
At the end of any trip, there is always the question, What did we actually get accomplished? There's so much left undone! Surely the week hasn't gone so quickly! God has to remind us (me at least) that the week wasn't about me, it wasn't about what did or did not "get done" but about obedience and faith...It's keeping my eyes on Jesus and what He day in Heaven, one (I hope all) of these children will come up to us and say..."I remember you, you came to Africa once."

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Holiday Fun Club...African Style

Donnie's Object Lesson Amazed Them

With so many students (40-45 in each group of three), it was easier to have three areas and move the children from area to area. The guys did games on the playing field (no grass, only layers and layers of hasn't really rained here in many many months); N/B/S/ and two recruited men did crafts; T/and I along with T/K did music with each pastor presenting a Bible story time on alternate days. The kids LOVED everything we did...they couldn't get enough...begging for more singing, stories and crafts. They were so proud of what they did and respectful (after Monday that is).  By Tuesday they were back to their routine and more manageable in such large groups and we had learned better how to make things work with kids who didn't understand us much of the time. We often say that children sound like angles when they sing, but we have to remember that angles don't sing, they speak. Perhaps only children can make truly beautiful music...their innocent and clear voices praising God and acknowledging the Lordship of Christ was so powerful that it brought us to tears and literally left us breathless...their enthusiasm was limitless...on Tuesday we woke to the sound of the children singing in the showers the songs we had introduced to them on Monday. They begged for us to write down the words to the songs so they would have them to take back to the camp over the weekend. They wanted to sing them to their brothers and sisters who don't get to go to school. I have a video of them singing but haven't been able as yet to make it work as a video. I need more than just click and post skills apparently.
This fun club was not really any different from all of the others I've done over the years (exhausting and rushed to get everything done on a time schedule), but every accommodation was made so we could do the games, crafts, music and Bible stories; every child was included with love and attention for the maximum opportunity to learn about Jesus; each staff member and team member involved themselves to perform whatever they were asked to do, often WAY outside their personal "comfort" zone; certainly the location is more exotic, the language barriers more difficult, and the altitude makes it difficult at times to catch a breath much less sing or last long in story telling, but God keeps reminding me that although nothing is different, everything is different; His children are the same the world over (at times I had to remind myself where I was)...and He wants them to have access to Him. I still don't fully understand why God called me to come...what I did this week could have been done by anyone...but He did call and I obeyed...the harvest is His, not mine.  Mine is the joy of growing closer to Him by doing what He has asked me to do and having fellowship with Him in the process as well as with others who are obedient to His invitation to join Him where He is working. He shows me more every day.

The Boys in My Hood

"Teach cha" Jo
I had the privilege of teaching nine 4th grade boys. There are 11 languages in SA, 9 tribal languages, Afrikaans (pronounced A free kans...the language of white South Africa), and  British English. Aurora insists that all classes be taught in English because it is the language needed for work and university study. Five of my students spoke Zulu and at least two other tribal languages. Three spoke three other tribal languages each, other than Zulu, so I was working with a total of six tribal languages and using English as a 3rd or 4th language for the majority of them. Again I have a renewed respect for teachers of ESOL classes. My only comparison is the year I had an AP class of 27 with five who spoke English as a second or third language. One of my students was a 6th grader in a 4th grade class who had missed 3 years of school because no one gave him the opportunity to go.  He is too old for the 1st grade class where he should be and too far behind for the class he is in. He wants to learn but it is very difficult for him. He can repeat the alphabet but can not recognize the letters when they are pointed out. Reading is especially difficult because he can not "sound out" his words. During the second session of the first day, I saw him with his head down and realized he was crying. He was hiding his face from the other boys so they could not see his tears. I took him outside the room and talked with him about trying his best and not worrying about anything else. From that point on, I worked with him for half an hour alone before going for the other boys. He made some progress with one on one help, but his teacher will not be able to do that. She has 40 other students in her classroom. Like other kids, they are bad to "tattle" on one another and really bad to cheat off of each other's paper, so we had "character building" discussions on a regular basis. I had purchased two posters on citizenship and character building for the classrooms. They will be used by all of the teachers. Veronica encouraged each of us to pray with the children and have them pray as well. I couldn't help but remember when I could do that in America. We all agreed that we "fell in love" with our kids the very first day.  Each has his own sad story and only one has hopes for the future. He wants to be a policeman so he can have his own car! All the cars here are SMALL but fly. Speed limit is 72 MPH. They have speed bumps everywhere in hopes of slowing people doesn't work. Here STOP really does mean slide tires on pavement. None of the others seemed to understand the question "What do you want to be?" These boys age 9-11 and they can see only to the end of this school term. They each want desperately to "stay in school" and return "next year" which in SA will be in January. At Aurora there is food, there is clean water for drinking and showering, there are hugs instead of hits, there are people who love and care, there are books and crayons, and games to play on the field behind the school, and there is Jesus, the one they sing about who died for them and loves them.

First Day of School

You shouldn't start school or work on an empty stomach.  L/M (cooks extraordinaire). In spite of two ovens which didn't work, and only two burners that did, and circuit breakers that had to be coddled like babies, we had wonderful meals. These ladies worked miracles with crock pots and coffee pots. We even had sweet ice tea for lunch and dinner. For those of you who have been on trips before (construction or VBS) you know you can't do anything well unless you feed the body as well as the spirit. These ladies made sure we were well prepared with grits, eggs, gravy, and bread for the hard work of each day and the sweet fellowship of sharing each meal gave us the spiritual fortitude to face rather daunting challenges. Before we ate breakfast on the first day, all of us who were teaching did a pray walk around the school. We started in the dark and as the sun came up and we could see, we put our trust in God that He would give us the discernment to teach the kids assigned to us. We sought His protection and asked for His love to reach out through us to them.  N/B, T/S, and I taught 1st/2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade respectively. Our "inservice" on the lesson plans took only one hour. These ladies are phenomenal. They grasped the principles and the methods and took off for their classrooms. Veronica had warned us that the children would return from the weekend at the camp out of control and difficult to manage. Most had not eaten since the previous Friday. Most are not "cared for by anyone." While at the camp, these children have to endure not only the filth and the cold, but alcohol, drugs, and abuse (every possible kind).  The 1st/2nd graders are most out of control when they return because they are the youngest and most neglected. The older the children, the more able they are to adjust to the rules and discipline that Veronica insists on. She can just look in their direction and they freeze on the spot. They respect and fear her...the kind of fear born out of love and kindness but discipline that is certain and absolute. Her voice alone (which she never really raises) is sufficient to command absolute silence. It took all day for them to settle down. We each had three sessions each of one hour in length. T took on the added responsibility of doing an hour session per day with four students needing math help as well. She is a homeschooler of her own child and knew instinctively how to reach these kids both in language and math.  Veronica made it clear to us that even though we were there to help the children with their reading, we were to follow the Spirit's leadership and talk with them about what God had done in our lives and how He loves us and wants all of us to know Him. Aurora is a Christian school and there is evidence every where from the Cross that is just inside the main gate to the Bible verses that the children learn in class and the prayers that begin and end everything that is done. The children wear uniforms, line up and walk quietly from one area to another, address all of the staff as "teacher" and demonstrate respect at all times, but they are typical children and students. They "forget" their pencils, want to go to the toilet every few minutes, and want constant assurance that their "answer" is the correct one. Most of all they want to touch, hug, and pat. They smile constantly and shyly look for approval. They also push, shove, and hit...especially the small ones. The kindergarden age children come to Aurora having never played with a toy or with play dough. They have trouble with simple childhood movements...for example Veronica says they can't roll over or do forward or backward movements well because they have been carried bound on their mother's back sometimes well past toddler stage. In the camp I saw three year olds playing with sticks and rocks. There were no toys or books anywhere. All of the children love to color and they take pride in what they do, but they have trouble with the colors themselves because they don't have them anywhere except at school. What our children learn by age three, these children don't have an opportunity to learn before age six or seven if then because they are from the camp. There is no state school for them and they are too poor to attend a private school. The classrooms are cramped, dark, and void of colorfully stimulating teaching materials, but they meet all of the stringent standards required by the SA government. I was surprised to learn that these guidelines are standard for standard in comparison to the No Child Left Behind ones. If she hadn't been speaking with an Africans accent, I would have sworn I was speaking with someone from the SC state department of education. They test at the end of every year and students who don't pass have a very difficult time catching up. Schools with a high level of failure can be closed or taken over by the government agency...sound familiar????  With all that is against them, they are learning. Exhausting her self, her husband and their personal finances, Veronica is committed to God's command to give these children an opportunity to know Christ and an opportunity for a better life.                                                

Gold, Coal, and Cold

Johannesburg Coal Powered Electric Plant.
 I couldn't get a good picture of the abandoned strip mining of coal that surrounds the squatters camp we visited on Sunday afternoon. What must once have been beautiful hills of African savanna grasses is now miles and miles of desolate mounds of wasted rock. Johannesburg has enormous coal burning towers that produce electricity for one of the largest cities in the world, a city and a country that does NOT heat its homes or businesses during the short three month winter. It is spring here and for this southern girl it is cold. We slept under wool blankets every night and wore warm sweaters until the late mornings. For all of you from Tucapua that remember the Port Henry showers believe me when I say they were HOT in comparison to these at Aurora. Keep in mind that Johannesburg is 471 feet higher in altitude than Denver, Colorado. When I say COLD, I mean COLD and DRY. After visiting the camp, all of us were covered in dust (hair, clothes, nostrils, skin), a fine powdery dry dust. There is virtually NO humidity which made it at least bearable but still uncomfortable until we got used to it. We were all ready for the showers after a quick supper. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SOOOOOOOOOO suddenly shocked by the iciness that water can produce on the human skin. Even the men where squealing like girls. Although the days are warm and pleasant, when the sun goes down, the temperature drops suddenly and sharply and we couldn't shower every night until 8:00 PM.  Needless to say a nightly bath was always short and our beds the best place to get warm. The accommodations were wonderful; cots with mattresses, clean linens, wool blankets, bathroom close by (the men put up a light Sunday night so no one would get hurt trying to make our way along the narrow path between the sleeping units). We no longer needed our flashlights after 6:00 PM and it was daylight by 5:30 AM. Thanks to all of you who were praying for us concerning this matter.
I don't know why I still marvel at the goodness of God and His faithfulness in providing what we need as we need it. In 28 years of missions, you would think I would trust Him more fully. Did we have everything we wanted, NO. Did we have everything we NEEDED, YES and abundantly.
The dry dust produces stunning pink and red sunsets, as beautiful as the incredible pink and red flowers and trees that grow here. How God must look on the awesomeness of His creation and still be pleased by its beauty, but saddened by the human waste of it. The squatters camps are scattered like pock marks across the landscape of one of the poorest rich countries of the world, plundered for its gold and diamonds and human flesh. The history of this country (as is all of Africa) is a page men should have to read over and over until they, as humans accountable to a righteous God, begin to right the wrongs.

Friday, September 16, 2011

African Vineyard

September 11, 2011. Worshiped again at Edenvale Baptist Church, but this time the team had arrived and attended as well. Early service was pretty much full because SA Springbox team was competing in the World Cup Rugby game being broadcast during regular church hours. Every where we went after service, the game was being shown, even in the open African merchants' market...a screen (about the size of Texas, OK, I'm exaggerating, but it was huge.) was the center of attention. The Spirit was present and the service was amazing; we had the privilege of participating in the Lord's Supper with them. Although the sermon was one that God used to help prepare me for the week of work to come (Title: Keeping your eyes on Jesus), I must admit my mind and my prayers were on the service at Tucapau which would be taking place six hours later. As I am writing, it is September 16th and I am already back in Johannesburg. The first thing I did after I set up my computer was email SB for an update on the reception and the service and vote. I am thrilled that God is bringing Rev. Nixon and his family to Tucapau and at the overwhelming support he has received.  JD also helped keep me posted on these and other events taking place.
Zulu dancers at Merchants Market
After service from 10:00-1:30 we shopped at the African merchants' market and were on our own for lunch. Almost everyone was shopping for children or grandchildren as well as souvenirs for their prayer partners, but everyone took time to try the local delicacies (no one tried the pig.)  These Zulu dancers were amazing; another striking contradiction...singing and dancing to ancient songs of their tribe (for pennies)  in the middle of a multi-million dollar shopping mall with hundreds of tourists passing and stopping to take pictures or video. Tall and graceful men with pride in their craft whose feet and voices tell a sad and haunting story for what has been lost of their culture and not yet replaced with anything of lasting value.
Cross just inside main gate.
At 1:30, we loaded up for Aurora Primary School where we would spend the week. It took about 35-40 minutes to leave a metropolitan major city (with  McDonald's and  Kentucky Fried Chicken) and drive into the flat dusty rural farm land where Aurora is located. Termite hills are everywhere, some quite a few feet high next to fertile plowed fields waiting for a new crop to be planted. We reached it via an interstate highway that rivals anything we have in the States and an unpaved road that jarred us to the bone. We just had minutes to unload and pile back into the van for a visit to the squatters' camp where the children live when not at school (week ends and short school holidays).

After another 35-40 minutes drive, we arrived at one of the hundreds (perhaps thousands) of squatters' camps in South Africa. Dirt floors, raw sewage, limited running water (one faucet per row of tin shanties), no electricity, no play areas, no toys, hundreds of children, and ...dust...dust...dust...dust... In a camp of thousands, I saw only two dogs, no cats. Each small shack was measured and each was fenced. We walked the full depth of the camp, and in the midst of unbelievable filth, I found another incredible contradiction.. every so many feet there would be a small fenced square, neat and clean (as dirt can be) well tended with pride and many with small gardens of spinach. We stopped at two shanties very close together (one was the pastor's house and one was the church). His wife put a plate of food on a mat on the ground for her two babies. There were five other smiling children standing near by who started to walk away, but she waved them to join the two on the ground. Room was made for them around the single plate of food, no fighting or quarreling, pushing or shoving, just seven little hands reaching in (the oldest was probably five). Even with so little and in a world where fighting for life is the cause of any day, they understand the concept of sharing.  Further into the camp, Veronica introduced us to XXXX, a grandmother of two, whose daughter, caught up in the hopelessness of her life, sought refuge in drugs and abandoned her children... One of whom attends Aurora. We entered this place thinking we knew what we would find. No WORDS or pictures can convey the desperation of this place or the emptiness of the eyes of those who live here. The sheer will of the Human spirit to survive amid such waste still amazes me. We passed two shacks marked with green flags. These belonged to the local witch doctors. I did not take a picture of either. I did not need a picture to remind me of their presence  there. I expected to feel it, but I did not. I had no sense of evil or dread of satanic power. I did not feel threatened. I did feel that I was the object of curiosity and by those who were drinking, humor. 16 white Americans (who have everything) walking a filth strewn lane with thousands of black South Africans (who have nothing) surrounding us. I felt completely safe. I shouldn't have. Even Veronica does not go there without XXXX. He lead us in and we had protection behind us. Apparently the local police found out we were there and they drove through just to let their presence be known. If I were not a Christian, I could, as others have, assume there can be no hope here...but Veronica and her husband see hope in every child...through education...a way to learning about Jesus who is the only way to (eternal) life.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

African Safari

Thanks to our hosts, T/K, for a wonderful (once in a life time) African adventure and wild game dinner. Yes, I kept the covenant: I tried three: Eland, Impala, and Crocodile...Impala was by far the best although Crocodile was not bad at all. I'll share more later, but it is late and I have much to do to get ready for tomorrow...packed and ready for church by at 8:00, shopping for souvenirs and lunch til 1:30, then out to Aurora by 2:30, visit the squatters' camp where most of the children come from, back to Aurora, dinner, showers and bed. Monday morning up and ready to go to breakfast by 7:15, three one hour teaching sessions per day and VBS for two hours every afternoon. Keep praying for us. There is no internet at the school, so I will not post again until next Thursday. I have been praying off and on all afternoon for you at Tucapau as you prepare for the reception for Rev. Nixon and family. I will be praying for you tomorrow as you consider your vote. I know God is leading where you are and where I am. May we glorify Him in all.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Weary Warriors

Breaking bread (and a little pie)
Incredibly busy day; last minute shopping, cooking, picking up vans for team and luggage, checking flight schedule and watching excited grandchildren waiting for Papa to arrive. The team, weary but excited, arrived only a little behind schedule because of bad weather in Washington. Had a smooth flight, great time of fellowship at dinner and are now headed for showers and a good night's rest. Breakfast prayer time at 7:15 and we're off for the day until after dinner tomorrow night. Long but exciting day planned for us by our hosts T/K. Everyone in amazement at the goodness and faithfulness of God in inviting us to be a part of His incredible plan of sharing Christ with others.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Love in any Language

K, K (college graduate interning for six months) and I spent the morning at Aurora trying to complete lesson plans that our women will implement next week with 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders. More complicated than it sounds. How do you explain the pronunciation for the short I in the word igloo to students who have no idea what an igloo is (most of these students speak their tribal language (most Zulu), Afrikaans (pronounced A'free'kans), and are trying to learn thing...three words...all confusing.) They must know Afrikaans and English in order to graduate. All of you elementary teachers, my hat is off to you!!!! (We also have a group of students who need extra help with math...ok...everyone in my Sunday School class can STOP laughing over here and HELP).
I have uploaded a picture of the teachers receiving their teacher bags. They were so excited. One teacher was absent because of a family emergency but will receive it next week. They were appreciative and humbled that we sent items just for "them" and "their" use. They were overwhelmed with the teacher classroom materials. Veronica insisted that I do an on the spot "inservice". Thank you Tucapau for the love offerings that made all of this possible.

Looking forward to having dinner tonight with D/B, another gracious couple serving the Lord. (Two hours later.) Wonderful fellowship with this couple who are in the volunteer IMB Masters program. He is an early retiree from a business career in the States who wanted to serve God using the skills he had learned as a businessman. This program is a great opportunity for retirees who have a call to missions but don't know how they will serve. It can be a short term or long term commitment. They are planning on doing an additional commitment when this term is completed. They love what they are doing.  The IMB can use whatever daily life skills God has given us. She was a stay at home mom during her husband's career and now helps him in his job with IMB. Both have begun Bible studies (he, men and her, women with people they have met who want to know more about the Bible). It was a wonderful evening of sharing their experiences and how God has worked in their lives and the lives of their children. An additional guest from (XXX) added to the laughter and pure pleasure that, I think, only  Christians can enjoy, and their exchange of stories was fascinating...I just sat and listened with wonder at the cost of serving God and also the rewards. An incredible blessing to have met these individuals.
For all of you Rebels, I had an opportunity to meet a couple today whose hometown is the team that beat us last Friday night in football. Needless to say we had a good time exchanging "bragging rights."

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BSF Bible Study Fellowship

Johannesburg's version of Sams; being sold to WalMart
Had the privilege of attending a BSF meeting this morning with seven wonderful women who want to love and serve Christ in their everyday lives. We met at a Methodist church in downtown Joburg and 72 Christian denominations were represented. BSF is an international Bible study organization which was begun by an English missionary to China over 50 years ago. They are a non-profit, faith based organization headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, with one goal: to study the word of God so we can become His witnesses in the world. They do a different book of the Bible each year consisting of 33 lessons between September and May with separate study groups for men and women. Bethel United Methodist in Spartanburg is the closest one to us. The material was wonderful as was the fellowship. I look forward to seeing if I can attend the one at Bethel. It takes a commitment to study and faithfulness in attending the meetings.

Tonight, I am having dinner with servants of the Lord from (XXXX). M/W are my hosts and I am looking forward to fellowship with them.  (Three hours later). What an incredible evening. Those of us who volunteer can only sit back in amazed admiration for the young couples who answer God's call not only to what appears to be impossible places to do impossible tasks but unbelievably dangerous ones. Yet they are clearly enjoying taking on these places/tasks for Christ in whom ALL things are possible. The difficulties for families go way beyond the mere inconveniences that would stall most of us in our tracks and about which we would probably complain endlessly (as we hightail it home), yet there is a genuine humility in accepting with good humor the joy of suffering for Christ (suffering is my term not theirs). They see these things as Paul did...part of the joy of serving. Amazing time of fellowship I will treasure. I will be having dinner tomorrow night with another couple who (like these this evening) have generously invited me into their home and their lives. One thing I am witnessing is how much they care for one another, not just about one another. As Christians we should all be so like Christ who said that the world would know us as His followers because we LOVE one another.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Ties that Bind

The promise of spring
I can better appreciate the hardships of those that serve in foreign lands. Since arriving last Thursday, my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law have both been hospitalized for serious problems and now tonight I learn that another family member is critically ill. I know they are being cared for by the best medicine has to offer and by families that love them. My presence there would not change their care or help their condition, but it certainly would help me. I know that I am in God's perfect will where I am and do not regret that I am here, but there is such a since of helplessness when people we love are hurting and we think (foolishly and perhaps even egotistically) that our location matters. I know I have a faithful God whose grace is sufficient for my loved ones regardless of where I am. It is prayer that matters and God's guarantee that He is listening. I believe that all of you who are reading my blog know about whom I referring and are praying already. This same confidence that others are "holding the ropes" has to be what keeps those who serve the Lord where they are regardless of what is happening "back home." They need to know we are praying for them. This situation is certainly a reminder to me that I don't do my part "back home" for those who are working in the fields.
I have attached a few photos that show more contradictions. You might call them "Beauty and the Beast."
Coal, not nuclear, power towers

Monday, September 5, 2011

Praying in God's Will Ephesians 3:14-21

Wonderful Zulu musicians at open air market.

Open market where we will eat on Sunday
All the power of God (the width, the length, the hight, the depth) of His love is ours.... Out of His glorious riches He strengthens us. He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine....but so often we do not ask. Ask with me for the following today: (1) a much needed volunteer to help with home schooling material distribution (can be time consuming and complicated job). Those on the field are dependent on these materials to educate their children; (2) for materials that are now in a seaport needing only a sheet of paper to release them from customs...could take months...but we can ask God to release them tomorrow; (3) for perfect flying weather for the remaining team members. They should fly out this Thursday and arrive here late Friday afternoon. They have only one hour between landing in Washington, D.C., and taking off for SA. They must leave Charlotte on time.  We were 40 minutes late leaving Charlotte for Atlanta, but we had a three hour layover. If they miss their flight, they will have a 12 hour layover in Washington; (4) Pray for continued good health for all of us; (5) Pray that each one of us will make a difference in the lives of those we meet in Christ. It is so hard not to get caught up in the business of business; (6) Pray that we stay focused on Christ's purpose for each. T/K are gracious hosts. Pray that they will receive encouragement and spiritual renewal through fellowship with the team. They have worked so hard to get all that is needed done and in time; (7) Pray for warmer night time temperatures for next week. It is spring during the day but still winter at least for this southern girl. Just thought on this last one...Maybe not so much...the snakes here where we will be are poisonous and deadly very quickly, so for  me and LP pray that there will be NO SNAKES. It is totally dark by 6:00 PM and we can't take our showers until after 8:00 PM. We won't be abel to see beyond our small flashlights. The path way is so narrow only one at a time can walk. Thank you for your prayers. I know for a fact that God is listening.  

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Praise and Worship

Nana, Mama, Anna arriving for services

Over the Exit at EBC
Worshiped today at the 8:30 AM service at Edenvale Baptist Church, Johannesburg, SA. An incredible time of praise and worship preceded a wonderful sermon on Hebrews, Chapter 11 by Paul Waldrip, a visiting pastor from Pennsylvania. The music was wonderful and the fellowship encouraging and uplifting. The rest of the day was spent planning for when the team arrives. Having a good time getting to fellowship with new Christian friends and discovering that just getting around in a foreign country can be daunting. I'm discovering that South Africa is a city of contradictions: everywhere there is freedom and everywhere there are gated walls with electrical wire/barbed wire toppers separating neighbor from neighbor and church from surrounding community. Every house is gated and even the church has a wired wall and gates around it, yet the open smiles and friendly countenance demonstrates the love of Christ to all who enter. South Africa is a German, Dutch, English, and multi-tribal culture. So many languages and so many cultural blends...No wonder Africa has had a struggle trying to define herself.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Conquering the Skies

Downtown Johannesburg from BIMs
Unbelievably beautiful flying weather, smooth flights and soft landings...but I'm still "white knuckle" on take offs. The flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg was 15 hours and 5 minutes and we landed exactly on time for a total of 21 1/2 hours from home to here. God was so merciful in bringing to mind all the verses I needed to keep me focused and excited.  Even with 10 bags between us, we had no trouble getting through immigration, passport check and customs. Baptist International Missions (where I will stay until the team arrives) was a good sight for me. I got in about seven, went to bed at 7:30 and was asleep by 7:31. The pilot and I were the only ones who didn't get to sleep on the trip and I'm not too sure about him.
This morning we visited Aurora Primary. The shy smiles and winks told me I'm going to enjoy my weeks in Africa. I've included a few pictures. More will come. The scripture lesson for today was from Proverbs 4:23...the New Living translation states this verse this way: "Guard your heart above anything else you have, because it determines the kind of life you will live." Pray for me that my "heart" will be right with God and that I will open it to what He wants to show me this week and in the weeks to come.
Every where in Africa EVERYONE smiles and speaks a friendly welcome.
Best sign of the day..."NO HOOTING"...means "don't blow your horn."
Tonight we're going to "African Idol," the dancing competition. This should be interesting and lots of fun.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Being Accountable

To God, be all the Glory
To my church family, gratefulness and thanksgiving

I marvel at the mercies and goodness of God who chooses to work through us for His Glory and our greater good.  What a privilege to be a part of His plan.
Serving on the pulpit committee has been a lesson in quietly (not easy for me) waiting (really not easy for me) for His leadership and being affirmed in witnessing His faithfulness in leading to extending a call to Rev. Eric Nixon and his family. God has already begun a work in his heart (in trusting God that this is God's will for him) and I know in ours as well. Tucapau is a loving, giving family of faith. I know we will open our hearts to him and his family. As a committee I know we are in God's will in this recommendation; just as I know I am going to South Africa in the  perfect will of God. I know that my family at Tucapau will be praying for me daily and that gives me the additional confidence I am going to need and count on every day. Thank you for the generous gift of money. It has purchased much needed materials and the additional love offering will cover the cost of carrying the added weight on the plane.  Any funds left over will be left with K to be used for additional needs of the teachers that can more easily be purchased in SA. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  

Friday, August 19, 2011

A beginning

Bear with me friends. I am technologically challenged but determined. I'm attempting to set up a blog so I can share what God is doing in my "retired" life. So far, I can honestly say that I have never been busier or happier. As I prepare for the "journey of a lifetime," I can tell you that the real journey began quite some time ago, a spiritual one.  At my retirement reception I said that God had indicated that it was time for me to retire from Byrnes and work in another part of His vineyard and that I welcomed whatever plans He had for me.  Little did I realize how true that was going to be. I've understood from the first "invitation" to go on this trip, that in submitting to the will of Christ, there is absolute peace (although not freedom from resistance). Keep in mind that until now I have been a "white knuckle" flier. New motto..."no doubt." For years I have started my day putting on the "whole armor of God"...Ephesians 6:10-20...knowing where I am going...never has this daily spiritual routine become more important. I hope you will take this journey with me. I don't know how often, or even if, I will have access to the internet, but I plan on sharing my journal electronically and invite you to come along.