Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Year Later

A year ago September while in Johannesburg, I was invited by a friend to attend BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). I had never heard of BSF and was both skeptical and interested in an international study of the Bible established by a woman for women (there are now groups for men, youth, and children). The presence of the Holy Spirit in that first meeting was electrifying. I glanced around at the women attending (every age represented, dozens of nationalities, languages, and every level of education); two common bonds...we were all BELIEVERS in the ONE TRUE GOD, and followers of our LORD and SAVIOR Jesus Christ, and we all had the SPIRIT driven heart's desire to learn from the study of His word. When I returned home, I fully intended to join one of the two groups that meets in our area, but illness and "activities" got in the way. The desire to grow in and through the study of His word, however, grew exponentially with faith, and I knew that this September I would join BSF. Two other women from my church and I joined BSF at Bible Heritage Church in Greenville. Every Thursday morning 9:15-11:15, we have group fellowship on the previous week's home Bible study and an introduction Bible lecture that leads into the following week's home study. I have been amazed at the depth of the materials, the quality of the lectures, and the sweetness of the fellowship with the women in my discussion group.  This year's study is on the book of Genesis and is proving to be an amazing journey with God. I'm LOVING it.

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