Sunday, August 28, 2011

Being Accountable

To God, be all the Glory
To my church family, gratefulness and thanksgiving

I marvel at the mercies and goodness of God who chooses to work through us for His Glory and our greater good.  What a privilege to be a part of His plan.
Serving on the pulpit committee has been a lesson in quietly (not easy for me) waiting (really not easy for me) for His leadership and being affirmed in witnessing His faithfulness in leading to extending a call to Rev. Eric Nixon and his family. God has already begun a work in his heart (in trusting God that this is God's will for him) and I know in ours as well. Tucapau is a loving, giving family of faith. I know we will open our hearts to him and his family. As a committee I know we are in God's will in this recommendation; just as I know I am going to South Africa in the  perfect will of God. I know that my family at Tucapau will be praying for me daily and that gives me the additional confidence I am going to need and count on every day. Thank you for the generous gift of money. It has purchased much needed materials and the additional love offering will cover the cost of carrying the added weight on the plane.  Any funds left over will be left with K to be used for additional needs of the teachers that can more easily be purchased in SA. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  

Friday, August 19, 2011

A beginning

Bear with me friends. I am technologically challenged but determined. I'm attempting to set up a blog so I can share what God is doing in my "retired" life. So far, I can honestly say that I have never been busier or happier. As I prepare for the "journey of a lifetime," I can tell you that the real journey began quite some time ago, a spiritual one.  At my retirement reception I said that God had indicated that it was time for me to retire from Byrnes and work in another part of His vineyard and that I welcomed whatever plans He had for me.  Little did I realize how true that was going to be. I've understood from the first "invitation" to go on this trip, that in submitting to the will of Christ, there is absolute peace (although not freedom from resistance). Keep in mind that until now I have been a "white knuckle" flier. New motto..."no doubt." For years I have started my day putting on the "whole armor of God"...Ephesians 6:10-20...knowing where I am going...never has this daily spiritual routine become more important. I hope you will take this journey with me. I don't know how often, or even if, I will have access to the internet, but I plan on sharing my journal electronically and invite you to come along.